A scientific manuscript and supporting information describing KCGS with details of the kinases covered and its use in cell-based assays is available for download from bioRxiv.

Kinase Inhibition Data
A simple Excel spreadsheet listing the kinases covered by each inhibitor, its physical properties, and chemotype is available here. This spreadsheet can be used to rapidly analyze screening data to identify candidate kinases for follow up experiments.

A single downloadable file of with the full inhibition profiles is not currently available, since the data are not in a uniform format. Most of the compounds have been profiled across 401 human kinases using the DiscoverX KinomeSCAN technology, with KD’s generated for kinases that were inhibited by 90% at 1.0 µM. However, 42 compounds were selected using data available from the 230 kinase NanoSYN panel collected at 0.1 and 1.0 µM. An additional 21 compounds utilized published data from a range of large kinase panels that was collected in multiple assay formats and at different concentrations. We are in the process of collecting DiscoverX KinomeSCAN data for these 63 compounds and will make a uniform KCGS dataset available for download as soon as it is available. In the interim, the kinase inhibition profile of each individual compound using the mixed assay formats can be accessed at the on-line database Random Acts of Kinase.

Chemical Structures
Chemical structures are provided in the Excel spreadsheet in SMILES notation. The chemical structures are also available in a fully structure searchable format as a Datawarrior file. A new Datawarrior file for version 2.0 is coming soon. Information on how to download the free cheminformatics program Datawarrior can be found here.

KCGS Plate Map
KCGSv2.0 is shipped in a 384-well microtiter plate. A physical copy of the plate map with compound identifiers is available here. For recommended dilution protocols see the FAQ.